Self Introduction in Malay Language

Hi everyone!

It's me Zarina, your friend from Malaysia. Apa khabar?

Today we will learn how to introduce ourselves in Malay Language.

Firstly, I will list out the essential phrases for introducing yourself by categories and then there will be an example of colloquial conversation following that.

Introduce Yourself: Name

Hi / Helo, apa khabar? - Hi / Hello, how are you?
Khabar baik. - I’m fine
Saya / aku - I *Aku is very colloquial and informal. It is normally used between friends or in the family ie. Between siblings or cousins. We don’t use aku towards elder people.

Awak / kamu / anda / kau / ko - You * There are a few words in Malay which convey similar meaning as ‘You’ but here you can use either awak or kamu which are polite and generally used. Anda is very formal and normally use in documentary, survey, questionnaire or television programs like in advertisements to address the public.. Kau or ko are very colloquial and informal. They are normally used between friends or in the family ie. Between siblings or cousins. We don’t use kau or ko towards elder people.

Nama saya.. - My name is..
Apa nama awak / kamu? - What is your name?
Apa nama penuh awak / kamu? - What is your full name?
Nama penuh saya.. - My full name is..
Awak / kamu boleh panggil saya.. - You can call me..
Nama samaran saya.. - My nickname is..

Introduce Yourself: Country

Saya dari negara… - I’m from <country>
Awak / kamu dari negara mana? - Which country do you come from?
Saya tinggal di … - I live in..
Saya tinggal di bandar.. - I live in <city>
Saya tinggal di daerah.. - I live at <district>
Saya tinggal di jalan.. - I live on <street>
Di mana kamu tinggal? - Where do you live?
Alamat saya ialah.. - My address is..
Apa alamat awak / kamu? - What is your address?
Saya dibesarkan di.. - I grew up in..

Introduce Yourself: Age

Umur saya.. - My age is../ I am <> years old
Berapa umur awak / kamu? - How old are you?
Umur saya lebih dari (nombor) tahun. - I am more than <number> years old
Umur saya lebih dari sepuluh tahun. - I am more than 10 years old
Umur saya lebih kurang (nombor) tahun. - I am about <number> years old

Umur saya lebih kurang sepuluh tahun. - I am about 10 years old
Umur saya kurang dari (nombor) tahun. - I am less than <number> years old
Umur saya kurang dari sepuluh tahun. - I am less than 10 years old
Umur saya hampir (nombor) tahun. - I am nearly <number> years old
Saya lebih kurang umur awak / kamu. - I am about your age.
Umur saya dalam (nombor)-an. - I am around <number>-’s
Umur saya dalam dua puluhan. - I am around twenties

Introduce Yourself: Family

Awak / kamu ada adik-beradik? - Do you have siblings?
Berapa orang adik-beradik awak/kamu? - How many siblings do you have?
Saya ada (nombor) adik-beradik - I have <number> siblings.
Saya ada enam adik-beradik - I have six siblings.
Ada berapa orang dalam keluarga awak / kamu? - How many people are  in your family?
Saya tak ada adik-beradik. - I have no siblings.
Saya seorang saja. - I am the only son/daughter.
Keluarga saya ada (nombor) orang. - My family has <number> members.
Keluarga saya ada lapan orang. - My family has 8 members.
Adik lelaki - younger brother
Adik perempuan - younger sister
Abang - older brother
Kakak - older sister
Ayah - father
Emak / ibu - mother

Introduce Yourself: Birthday / Phone number

Bila tarikh lahir awak / kamu? - When is your birthday?
Bila hari lahir awak / kamu? - When is your birthday?
Bila hari jadi awak / kamu? - When is your birthday?
Apa tarikh lahir awak / kamu? - What is your date of birth?
Tarikh lahir / Hari jadi / Hari lahir saya .. - My birthday is..
Nombor telefon saya… - My phone number is..
Apa nombor telefon awak / kamu? - What is your phone number?

Introduce Yourself: Jobs

Apa pekerjaan awak / kamu? - What is your job?
Awak / kamu bekerja atau belajar? - Are you working or studying?
Awak / kamu kerja di mana? - Where do you work?
Awak / kamu belajar di mana? - Where do you study?
Saya bekerja / belajar di.. - I work / study at..
Saya (name of jobs) - I am (an..)
Saya tak bekerja. - I am not working.
Saya sedang menganggur. - I am jobless.
Saya sedang mencari pekerjaan. - I’m looking for work.
Saya sudah bersara. - I am retired
Saya pernah bekerja sebagai - I have worked as..
Saya baru mula bekerja - I just got a job


Cikgu / Guru -  Teacher
Jurutera -  Engineer
Doktor -  Doctor
Ahli Perniagaan - Businessman  
Surirumah -  Home maker / Housewife
Setiausaha -  Secretary
Kerani -  Clerk
Jururawat -  Nurse
Polis -  Police
Bomba -  Fireman
Arkitek -  Architect
Petani -  Farmer


Bank -  Bank
Kilang -  Factory
Muzium -  Museum
Syarikat -  Company / Corporation
Hospital -  Hospital
Kedai -  Shop
Galeri -  Gallery
Pejabat Pos -  Post office
Pasar raya -  Super market

Introduce Yourself: Hobbies

Apa hobi awak / kamu? -  What is your hobby?
Apa yang awak / kamu suka buat di masa lapang? - What do you like to do during your free time? 
Apa yang awak / kamu minat? - What is your interest? 
Apa <hobi> kegemaran awak / kamu? -  What is your favorite <hobby>?
Apa sukan kegemaran awak / kamu? -  What is your favorite sport?
Apa hobi yang awak / kamu suka? -  What hobby do you like?
Saya suka.. -  I like
Saya minat.. -  My interest is..
Saya gemar.. -  I love to..
Hobi saya.. -  My hobby is..

Hobbies – Free time activities:

Membaca -  Reading
Melukis -  Painting, drawing
Bermain game komputer -  Playing computer games
Melayari internet -  Surfing the internet
Mengumpul stem / syiling -  Collecting stamps / coins
Tengok wayang -  Watching the movie
Bermain <sukan> -  Playing <sport>
Berbual bersama kawan -  Chatting with friends
Pergi ke taman / pantai / zoo / muzium  -  Go to park / beach / zoo / museum
Mendengar lagu -  Listening to songs
Membeli belah -  Shopping
Menari -  Dancing
Melancong -  Traveling

Introduce Yourself: Marital Status

Saya sudah berkahwin -  I’m married
Saya masih bujang -  I’m single
Saya sudah bercerai -  I’m divorced
Saya sudah bertunang -  I’m engaged
Saya sedang bercinta -  I’m in love
Saya ada kekasih -  I have a lover / partner
Saya ada pakwe -  I have a boyfriend (colloquial)
Saya ada awek -  I have a girfriend (colloquial)
Saya ada hubungan yang serius dengan seseorang -  I’m in a serious relationship
Saya tidak ada anak -  I don’t have children

Conversation : First day at college

You: Selamat Pagi (Good morning)

Adam: Selamat Pagi (Good morning)

You: Apa khabar? (How are you?)

Adam: Khabar baik. (I’m fine)

You: Saya datang untuk daftar semester pertama. (I come to register for the first semester)
Adam: Oh ya? Saya pun sama. Apa nama awak? (Oh really? Me too. What’s your name?)

You: Nama saya John. Nama awak? (My name is John. Your name?)

Adam: Saya Adam. Awak dari negara mana? (Bersalam dengan kamu) (Nama saya Adam. Which country do you come from? (Shaking hands with you))

You: Saya dari Sepanyol. (I’m from Spain)

Adam: Jauhnya! Umur saya 20. Berapa umur awak? (That is far! I’m 20 year’s old. How old are you?)

You: Saya 21 tahun. (I’m 21 years old)

Adam: Oh..kalau macam tu saya panggil Abang John, ok? (Oh..then I will call you bro John, ok?)

You: Ok je…(I don’t mind)

Adam: Oh ye..awak dari fakulti mana? (By the way, which faculty are you with?)

You: Saya fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia, awak? (I’m with Faculty of Chemical Engineering, you?)

Adam: Sama dengan saya! Apa kata kita tukar-tukar nombor telefon? (Same with me! How about we exchange our phone numbers?)

You: Ok, nombor saya 012-3456789. (Ok, My number is 012-3456789)

Adam: Ok, nanti saya miss call awak. Dapat tak nombor saya? (Ok, I’m gonna send you a miss call. Did you get my number?)

You: Dapat. Awak tinggal kat mana Adam? (I got it. Where do you live Adam?)

Adam: Saya tinggal di Bangsar. Awak? (I live in Bangsar. You?)

You: Saya tinggal di Kerinchi. (I live in Kerinchi)
Adam: Dekat je tu..nanti bila-bila senang kita jumpe la, lepak-lepak minum kopi. (That’s near. If you are free sometime let’s meet up and chat over coffee.)

You: Boleh je. Awak ada whatsapp? (Alright. Do you have Whatsapp?)

Adam: Ada. (I do)

You: Nanti saya contact awak kat WA. (I will contact you later through Whatsapp)

Adam: Set..(Alright)

You: Nombor saya dah kena panggil. Saya pergi dulu. (My number is up. I’m going now.)

Adam: Ok. Jumpa lagi. (Ok. Till we meet again.)

You: Jumpa lagi. (Till we meet again.)

How is the lesson today? Do you find anything that you need to know more from the conversation? If you are, don’t forget to check out the blog at for the translation of the conversation and leave a comment or you can comment at this youtube video as well.

Are you interested in speaking Malay colloquially?

The easiest way is to get someone native to the language to assist you. If you are interested, you may contact me on Preply for an hour lesson to practise speaking Malay and to improve your pronunciation.

Well, today's lesson ends here.
I hope that this lesson helps. 
Sampai jumpa lagi! (Till we meet again)

Note: You may download the transcript at Download PDF menu or view the video at this link here.
I Learn Malay

Hi, I'm Zarina from ILearnMalay. I am a native Malay language speaker from Malaysia.

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