Malay Language Survival Phrases Part 1

Hi everyone!

It's me Zarina, your friend from Malaysia.
How are you doing? Today I will list out the Malay Language survival phrases that you need while you are visiting the country; Malaysia or other Malay speaking countries.

Hi/Hello - Hai, helo

Goodbye Selamat tinggal,  Selamat jalan

Good morning Selamat pagi

Good afternoon Selamat tengah hari

Good evening Selamat petang

Good night Selamat malam

Yes - Ya

No Tidak, tak (less formal) 

Ok Ok, baik, boleh

Please - Tolong, sila

Thank you Terima kasih

You're welcome - Sama-sama 

Excuse me Maafkan saya,  Minta maaf

I'm sorry Saya minta maaf

I want/ I would like Saya mahu,  saya hendak, saya nak

How much? (price) Berapa harga.. 

Where is.. Di mana..,  Dekat mana... Kat Mana

Can you speak slowly Boleh cakap perlahan-lahan / pelan-pelan (less formal)? 

Can you repeat? Boleh ulang? / Sekali lagi / Lagi sekali

I don't understand Saya tidak / tak faham

Do you speak English? Kamu cakap bahasa Inggeris? / Boleh cakap bahasa Inggeris?

I don't speak Malay Saya tidak / tak cakap bahasa Melayu / Malaysia

Where is the toilet/restroom? - Di mana tandas? / Dekat mana tandas? / Tandas dekat mana? / Tandas kat mana?

Help! Tolong!

Want to practise speaking Malay Language?

The easiest way is to get someone native to the language to assist you. If you are interested, you may contact me on Preply for an hour lesson to practise speaking Malay and to improve your pronunciation.

Well, today's lesson ends here.
I hope that this lesson helps. 

As usual, all the links mentioned in this video and for the transcription are updated below in the description.

Note: You may download the transcript at Download PDF menu or view the video at this link here.
I Learn Malay

Hi, I'm Zarina from ILearnMalay. I am a native Malay language speaker from Malaysia.

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