Survival Phrases Malay Language : Mana / Di Mana / Ke mana

Malaysians use word 'mana' to ask for location/direction.

If you want to ask direction to a place, you may ask

'Di mana kah Kuala Lumpur?' or 'Di mana Kuala Lumpur?'
it means where is Kuala Lumpur.

Rule: Di mana or di mana kah ?

Di mana kah tempat ini? / Di mana tempat ini?
it means where is this place?

tempat is place/location.

If you want to ask for direction where does something/someone go:

'Ke mana' means where to

For example:

Ke mana bas ini pergi? - where does this bus go?
ke mana - where
bas ini - this bus
go - pergi

Ke mana kamu pergi? / nak pergi mana? - where are you going? / where do you want to go?

kamu - you (he/she)
hendak /nak - want

Listen to podcast for pronunciation
Zarina BT2K

Understanding life step by step ^^


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