Survival Phrases Malay Language: Mahu / Ingin / nak / hendak

The word want has several meaning in Malay Language
You can use either mahu or ingin or nak or hendak.
Nak being the most informal form from the rest.

If you want to order food in the restaurant

Nasi Lemak

Saya mahu/ ingin/ nak/ hendak nasi lemak = I want nasi lemak

If you want to order drinks

Saya mahu/ ingin/ nak/ hendak coke = I want coke

Note: Sometimes 'mahu' is pronounced as 'mau' and hendak is shortened to 'nak'

Example 1:
If you want to go to some location and you want to say it to the taxi driver.

Saya mahu/ ingin/ nak/ hendak pergi ke (place)
Saya mahu/ ingin/ nak/ hendak pergi ke Kuala Lumpur.

means I want to go to Kuala Lumpur

go to - pergi ke

Example 2:
If you want to do something.

Saya mahu/ ingin/ nak/ hendak makan = I want to eat

makan = eat

Saya mahu/ ingin/ nak/ hendak mandi = I want to take a shower/ I want to bath

mandi = shower/bath

Saya mahu/ ingin/ nak/ hendak minum = I want to drink

minum = drink
minuman = drinks

Listen to the podcast for pronunciation
Zarina BT2K

Understanding life step by step ^^

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