How to use the word JANGAN-JANGAN to express ASSUMPTION or a GUESS


Today we are going to continue where we left off with the previous video of Jangan in part 1.

If you haven't studied that, I advice that you studied the part 1 first before continuing with today's lesson.

Previously, we have studied the word jangan when it is used with a verb and also when it its not only used with a verb but also when it is extended with a reason which is in Malay we call it as sebab.

That version of Jangan, we have got it covered. 

Today's word of jangan does not convey the same meaning as the previous one when the word jangan is repeated.

Now, it is used when you assume something has happened without a clear idea or proof.

It is like a guess or belief that we consider true even if we don't have strong proof. We use jangan-jangan to make decisions or form opinions. 

Let's practise pronouncing this word



The word jangan-jangan also has a synonym



You could replace entah-entah with jangan-jangan and it still carry the same meaning.

Today, will study four dialogues and we will practise them together

Let's check out the first one

Dialogue 1

The dialogue is between a boss and an employee

Kenapa Ali tak datang hari ni?

Why Ali didn't turn up today?

Kenapa means why

Ali is a male name

Tak datang did not come/ did not turn up

Hari ni today

Jangan-jangan dia ambik MC tak?

Perhaps he has taken a sick leave?

Jangan-jangan perhaps

Dia he

Ambik has taken 

Ambik is written with k at the ends as we pronounce in in spoken Malay

Ambil, with L is the proper Malay

MC a sick leave

tak? is just a question mark word

Here, the employee, instead of answering the boss's question..he is guessing maybe his colleague is taking a sick leave..partly maybe he has seen the collegue on the previous day seemingly unwell.

or heard another colleague said that the person was not well ,meaning he has some idea / knowledge beforehand or just a plain guess.

Adoi..siapa nak buat kerja dia ni?!

Gosh! Who will take over his work?!

Adoi.. Gosh! / sometimes when we feel a sudden pain / acute pain - we also shout adoi!

Here, the usage of adoi is more like out of frustration or being annoyed

Siapa who

Nak buat - wants to do / will take over

Kerja dia - his work

Ni?! - or ini means this

Let's Repeat twice:

Kenapa Ali tak datang hari ni?

Jangan-jangan dia ambik MC tak?

Adoi..siapa nak buat kerja dia ni?!

Dialogue 2

Kenapa Lisa senyum sorang-sorang?

Why is Lisa smiling like a fool?

Kenapa means why

Lisa, a female name

Senyum means to smile

Sorang-sorang is a colloquial word means alone, or by himself/ by herself.

The phrase senyum sorang-sorang means having a dreamy smile, smiling like a fool thinking about something.

Jangan-jangan dia jatuh cinta tak?

Perhaps she has fallen in love?

Jangan-jangan perhaps

Dia means she

Jatuh to fell

Cinta to love

Jatuh cinta to fall in love

Tak? is just a question mark word

Dengan siapa?

With who?

Dengan with

Siapa who?

Let's repeat the whole dialogue twice:

Kenapa Lisa senyum sorang-sorang?

Jangan-jangan dia jatuh cinta tak?

Dengan siapa?

Dialogue 3

Apa bunyi bising tu?

What's that noise?

Apa means what

Bunyi means sound

Bising means noisy

Bunyi bising means noise

and tu / itu means that

Now, A is asking his friend of the commotion that he is hearing or seeing  or even not seeing, just hearing.

Maybe they live in an apartment and the neighbor is noisy.

then B replies

Jangan-jangan JDT menang tak?

Perhaps JDT has won?

Jangan-jangan perhaps

JDT is a football club from my state- Johor and currently is the strongest team in the league.Yeay!!

Menang means to win

and tak? is a question mark word

and then A asks his friend

Betul ke?!


Betul means correct

ke with a question mark is used in a 'yes or no' kind of question

So betul ke? means is that true? 

Let's repeat the whole dialogue twice:

A: Apa bunyi bising tu?

B: Jangan-jangan JDT menang tak?

A: Betul ke?

Dialogue 4

Kenapa murah sangat durian ni?

Why is this durian so cheap?

Kenapa why

Murah cheap

Sangat very,so, too

Durian = the fruit durian

Ni/ini this

murah sangat = so cheap like ridiculously cheap

you can change order of the words to be 

sangat murah = very cheap

but it has no equal emphasis as in murah sangat.

Jangan-jangan dah busuk tak?

Perhaps it's rotten?

Jangan-jangan perhaps

Dah/sudah means already

Busuk means rotten / smelly

Tak? is a question mark word

Here the friend is assuming although from the outside 

the durian looks ok, probably the ridiculously cheap price might mean something else, something fishy is going on with the offer

Sebab tu la dia jual murah sangat kot.

That's why he sold it so cheap, I guess.

Sebab means reason

Tu / itu that

La /Lah is used as an emphasis for sebab tu

Jual means to sell

Murah cheap

Sangat very, so

Kot is used as a guess

Then A replied to B's assumption with more guesswork

Let's repeat the whole dialogue twice:

A: Kenapa murah sangat durian ni?

B: Jangan-jangan dah busuk tak?

A: Sebab tu la dia jual murah sangat kot.

What a long lesson! Thank you for watching until the end. That's the spirit!

You may watch the video here:

I hope this lesson will be very useful for you. 

Ok..don't forget, to those who wants to practise your Malay with me, go to this new link to get all the juicy details! -

Baiklah...alright, this marks the end of today's lesson. Until next time, terima kasih sangat-sangat semua! dan sampai jumpa lagi!

I Learn Malay

Hi, I'm Zarina from ILearnMalay. I am a native Malay language speaker from Malaysia.

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