Words Related to Emotions in Malay

Assalamualaikum dan apa khabar semua? Hi everyone!

Today we will study words related to emotion.

Emotion means emosi in Malay. 

These are just a few examples of emotional words in Malay. There are many more emotions and nuances in the language to describe feelings and states of mind.

Here are some sample sentences.

1. Bahagia means happy.

Setiap kali saya bermain dengan anjing kesayangan saya, saya merasa bahagia.

Every time I play with my beloved dog, I feel happy.

2. Sedih means sad.

Dia merasa sedih setelah mendengar berita tentang kematian neneknya.

He felt sad after hearing the news about his grandmother's passing.

3. Marah means angry.

Ayah saya marah ketika saya pulang terlambat malam.

My father got angry when I came home late at night.

4. Takut means afraid.

Adik perempuan saya takut pada ketinggian.

My younger sister is afraid of heights.

5. Gembira means happy, joyful.

Seluruh keluarga kami merasa gembira saat berkumpul di hari raya.

Our whole family feels joyful when gathering during the festive season.

6. Cemburu means jealous.

Lisa merasa cemburu melihat sahabatnya mendapatkan hadiah istimewa.

Lisa feels jealous seeing her friend receiving a special gift.

7. Terkejut means shocked, surprised.

Kami semua terkejut dengan kehadiran tamu tak terduga di pesta itu.

We were all surprised by the unexpected arrival of a guest at the party.

8. Risau means worried.

Ibu saya selalu merasa risau jika saya pulang terlambat dari sekolah.

My mother always gets worried if I come home late from school.

9. Geram means frustrated, angry, resentful, hate and sometimes can mean to like someone.

Dia merasa geram karena komputernya tiba-tiba mati saat sedang bekerja.

He got frustrated when his computer suddenly shut down while he was working.

10. Tenang means calm, at peace.

Duduk di tepi pantai dan menikmati senja membuat saya merasa tenang.

Sitting by the beach and enjoying the sunset makes me feel calm.

Watch the following video for more words related to emotions in Malay.

Happy learning!

Selamat belajar!

I Learn Malay

Hi, I'm Zarina from ILearnMalay. I am a native Malay language speaker from Malaysia.

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