Conversational Malay with verb - MINUM

Today's post of  Conversational Malay with verb - MINUM will cover 6 dialogues in natural Malay conversation which happens between two people.

They can be friends or colleagues too in an office setting for example.

Both are discussing on an action related to the verb MINUM - meaning to drink.

The method on using this video to improve your fluency in Malay. The GOAL is NOT to understand each and every word in English, WORD by WORD, no.

Rather, you need to understand the meaning of the phrases or sentences as a whole.

Because if you do try to understand the meaning of each word sometimes the sentence won't make sense at all in English as if you are doing a word-by-word translation and in the end it came out as nonsense.

My advice: 

Understand how is the phrase or sentence is used based on context and observe the tone when I say the sentence. 

My second advice: 

Memorize the phrase if you can.

Third advice: 

Repeat, repeat and repeat the exercise to gain fluency.

Check out the video on today's lesson and more sample sentences related to the verb MINUM in this post.

Saya suka minum air kelapa. = I like to drink coconut water.

Dia lebih suka minum teh daripada kopi. = He prefers to drink tea than coffee.

Kita sepatutnya minum banyak air setiap hari = We should drink a lot of water everyday.

Saya minum segelas jus oren untuk sarapan. =  I drink a glass of orange juice for breakfast.

Mereka jemput kami untuk minum kopi. = They invite us for drinking coffee.

Selamat belajar! = Happy learning!

I Learn Malay

Hi, I'm Zarina from ILearnMalay. I am a native Malay language speaker from Malaysia.

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