Pronouns in Malay Language

Hi everyone!

Apa khabar? Zarina kini kembali! (Zarina is back!). I hope all of you are doing great!

Note: If you prefer to watch this lesson instead of reading it, the link is here.

Today we will learn about pronouns in Malay Language. I have been dilly-dallying to create a video on this topic and I think now is about time to talk about them.

As with other languages, pronouns are used as words that can work independently from anyone else and that alludes either to the members in the talk (for example I, you ) or to a person or thing referenced somewhere else in the talk (for example she, it, this).

In Malay, pronouns are known as:
Kata ganti nama diri @ Kata ganti diri

Kata = a word
ganti = change
nama = name
diri = self

Pronouns are grouped in three categories:

1. Kata ganti diri pertama = First person pronoun
2. Kata ganti diri kedua = Second person pronoun
3. Kata ganti diri ketiga = Third person pronoun

1st person singular
Patik, Hamba (for people)

Beta (for king)
1st person plural

Kami, kita

2nd person singular
Awak, Kamu
Kau, Engkau,
Tuan / Encik / Saudara (for man),

Puan (for married woman),

Cik / Saudari (for unmarried woman)

Tuan hamba (for people)

Tuanku (for king)
2nd person
Awak semua, Kamu semua,
Saudara sekalian,

saudari sekalian,


anda semua

All of you
3rd person singular
Dia (for woman or man)


3rd person plural

Diorang /Diaorang

3rd person singular,plural, neutral, abstract
Ia (for things or non-human)
/ -nya



First person pronoun (Singular)

Saya seorang doktor. - I am a doctor.

Aku tak tahu. - I don’t know.

Saya is the standard polite and Aku must be used with caution and only between familiar relationship.

Patik tidak bersalah tuanku. - I am not guilty, my royal highness.

Hamba tinggal bersama ibu hamba. - I live with my mother.

Beta mahu tujuh dulang hadiah. - I want seven trays of gifts.

Patik / Hamba / Beta are used in royal setting and be used if you are in this kind of occasion.

Kenanglah daku dalam doamu. - Remember me in your prayer.

Daku is normally used in literature, poetic writing or songs.

First person pronoun (Plural)

Kami mahukan perubahan. - We want changes.

Kita adalah rakyat Malaysia. - We are Malaysians.

Kitaorang / Kitorang nak pergi raya rumah Cik Jah. - We want to visit Cik Jah’s house.

*raya - is a visit to a person’s home exclusively during festival of Eid ul fitri or Eid ul Adha in Malaysia.

Kitaorang / Kitorang are very colloquial. Use with caution and only between familiar relationship.

Second person pronoun (Singular)

Awak nak makan apa malam ni? - What do you want to eat tonight?

Kamu dah mandi? - Have you showered?

Engkau tak ingat ke? - Don’t you remember?

Aku tak boleh maafkan kau. - I cannot forgive you.

Ko dah bayar hutang PTPTN? - Have you paid PTPTN loan?

Awak / kamu are the standard polite and Engkau / Kau / Ko must be used with caution and only between familiar relationship.

Anda telah berjaya! - You have won!

Tuan, sila tunggu di sini. - Sir, please wait here.

Encik boleh tanda tangan borang ini? - Mr./Sir, could you sign this form?

Anda / Tuan / Encik / Saudara (interchangeable for singular man)

Anda / Cik / Puan / Saudari (interchangeable for singular woman)

Tuan hamba nak ke mana? - Where do you want to go?

Maafkan patik, Tuanku - Please forgive me Your Highness.

Tuan hamba / Tuanku are used in royal setting and be used if you are in this kind of occasion.

Sungguh jauh dikau pergi. - You have gone so far.

Dikau is normally used in literature, poetic writing or songs.

Second person pronoun (Plural)

Bila awak semua nak ke rumah saya? - When do you (plural) want to come to my house?

Bagaimana kamu semua sampai situ? - How did you (plural) arrived there?

Di mana kalian dapat duit ni? - Where did you (plural) get this money?

Korang dah tengok filem ni? - Have you (plural) watched this movie?
Awak semua / kamu semua / kalian are the standard polite and Korang must be used with caution and only between familiar relationship.

Saudara sekalian, jangan lupa mengundi pada hari Ahad ini ya?*

Encik-encik, tuan-tuan - interchangeable for men in *

Saudari sekalian, cik-cik, puan-puan - interchangeable for women in *

Anda semua - gender neutral in *

Third person pronoun (Singular)

Dia dah berpunya. - She has a boyfriend/ He has a girlfriend.

Beliau adalah tokoh ibu terbaik untuk tahun 2019. - She is the best exemplary mother for 2019.

Baginda mangkat pada hari Jumaat. - He / She  passed away on Friday.
(Baginda - only for Royal family)

Third person pronoun (Plural)

Mereka tinggal bersama-sama. - They live together.

Diorang/ Diaorang dah makan. - They have eaten.

Diorang / Diaorang must be used with caution and only between familiar relationship.

Third person pronoun (Neutral)

Ia sudah di bayar. - It has been paid.

Dia sudah membayarnya. - He/she has paid it.

Ia/nya here can mean a single thing or more, it can also convey abstract meaning depending on the speaker’s or writer’s intention.

Alright, we have reached the end of the lesson. Don’t forget to check out the blog at for complete transcription of this lesson.

You may download this lesson in pdf form and other previous episodes too by clicking Download PDF menu.

Don’t forget to leave comments, questions or you may comment at the YouTube video of this lesson as well.

Well, today's lesson ends here.
I hope that this lesson helps. 

Sampai jumpa lagi! (Till we meet again)
Zarina BT2K

Understanding life step by step ^^

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