I love you in Malay Language

Hi everyone!

It's me Zarina as always, your friend from Malaysia. Apa khabar? How is your practice going on? Try to practise them everyday. I know it is not that hard. Practise makes perfect.

You know that already, right? :)

If you prefer to watch this lesson instead of reading it, the link is here.

Are you interested in speaking Malay colloquially?

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Today, we will learn about how to express your love in Malay Language. There are variations of it and some are simple and some are not so.

There is a caveat here.

The thing is; we Malay is a race full of shyness and we are a bit awkward to express our love and affection to the other partner or even towards our family. However, I may be generalizing here. 

The conventional Malay hardly kiss, hug and show any public display affection. Let alone saying that 4-letter-word of affection openly. The modern one is an open book though. You may observe them when you are here in Malaysia. Period.

But you will hear them spoken a lot at least in songs. I will give you an example of a famous Malay song. 

However, you are not Malay and you definitely would love to know how to express yourself to your girlfriend, wife, partner and etc.

The word love has many meanings in Malay Language:


These three are the main meanings. However, there are other meanings which also could mean ‘love’ depends on the context.

While the general meaning is love but each of one of them has its individual context or I may say subtle difference.

Asmara - is more like lust or strong sexual desire.
Gemar - is more than just liking. It is between love and like.
Suka - is to like.

Notice that I pronounce asmara as asmara not the normal ‘e’ ending pronunciation which we normally do. There are some irregular like this one which you have no choice but to memorize them when you come across one.

Let’s look at the phrases:

Saya cinta awak / Saya cintakan awak - I love you 
Saya sayang awak / Saya sayangkan awak - I love you

While both have similar meaning in English but ‘cinta’ is not appropriately used for family members. ‘Sayang’ is more appropriate. ‘Sayang’ is bordering towards being affectionate.

I am not going to explain about the suffix ‘kan’ here. You may refer to my previous video or post of Lesson 12 -Day week month where I talked about it in detail.

For example:

I normally say;
Sayang mak - I love you, mom
Akak sayang adik - I (elder sister) love you (younger brother/sister)

‘Cinta’ is not interchangeable here. It will feel weird if I say - Cinta mak / Akak cinta adik.

You can also say;

Saya mengasihi awak - I love you

Saya suka awak - I like you / I adore you

Saya ada hati dekat awak - I have feelings for you / I have my sight on you

Saya rindu awak / Saya rindukan awak - I miss you

Saya teringatkan awak - I thought about you

Saya benci awak - I hate you / I despise you

Saya ikhlas dengan awak - I am sincere with you

Saya hargai awak - I appreciate you

Saya bahagia dengan awak - I am happy with you

Saya gembira bersama awak - I am happy with you

Saya rela sehidup semati dengan awak - I'm willing to live and die with you

Saya mahu hidup bersama awak - I want to live with you

Maafkan saya, sayang - I am sorry my love

*Sayang or yang - is used by couples to call their loved one regardless of gender.

Let’s look at a normal daily husband and wife’s conversation:

Husband (H): Yang, kat mana baju I? (Love/honey, where is my clothes?)

Wife (W): Sayang, I dah letak kat atas katil tu. (Love/honey, I’ve put them on the bed there)  

H: Sorry sayang, tak nampak la, sori k? (Sorry my love/honey, I didn’t see(it), I’m sorry ok?)

W: Yang, lain kali jangan buat lagi k? (Love/honey, don’t repeat it next time ok?)

Okay, as I have promised, here is a song that used to be quite famous back in 1999. I was 21 back then..hehe. You do the math.

Yeah…it is not a recent song but it is indeed one of the most beautiful Malay songs out there.

The song titled: Pesanan buat Kekasih = ((A) message for (my) lover)
It is sang by a band named Spring and written by Abdul Jalil bin Saleh and Mustafa bin Mat Daud.

Malay Lyric
English Lyric
Sewaktu kau melangkah
Meninggalkan diriku
Sebaknya rasa di dalam dadaku
Menahan titis air mata
Ingin aku berpesan
Kepadamu kekasih
Sekiranya engkau merinduiku
Hubungilah aku di sini
Jika ada kesilapanku
Maafkanlah diriku oh sayang
Dan izinkan aku bertanya
Mengapa kau berubah hati
Kiranya kau ada penggantiku

Tetapi hidupmu tak bahagia
Relaku memaafkanmu
Dan menerimamu sayang
Walaupun hatiku kau lukai
Namunku masih menyayangi
Kerna sehingga waktu ini
Cintaku masih untukmu
Oh sayang di mana kau berada
Janganlah kau lupakan aku
Ingat aku walau sesaat
Seorang insan yang terluka
Ingin aku berpesan
Kepadamu kekasih
Kiranya engkau resah dan tak lena
Itulah hembusan rinduku
Jika ada kesilapanku
Maafkanlah diriku oh sayang
Dan izinkan aku bertanya
Mengapa kau berubah hati
Kiranya kau ada penggantiku

Tetapi hidupmu tak bahagia
Relaku memaafkanmu
Dan menerimamu sayang
Walaupun hatiku kau lukai
Namunku masih menyayangi
Kerna sehingga waktu ini
Cintaku masih untukmu
Oh sayang di mana kau berada
Janganlah kau lupakan aku
Ingat aku walau sesaat
Seorang insan yang terluka
When you go
Leaving me
My chest is tight
Holding the drops of tears
I want to remind (you)
To you my lover
If you miss me
Contact me here
If there is any of my mistake
Forgive me oh dear
And allow me to ask
Why did you change your heart
If you have someone to replace me
But your life is not happy
I am willing to forgive you
And to accept you dear
Although you hurt my heart
But I still love (you)
Because until this moment
My love is still for you
Oh dear wherever you are
Do not forget me
Remember me even if for a second
A person hurting (in heart)
I want to remind (you)
To you (my) lover
If you are restless and sleepless
That is my gust of longing
If there is any of my mistake
Forgive me oh dear
And allow me to ask
Why did you change your heart
If you have someone to replace me
But your life is not happy
I am willing to forgive you
And to accept you dear
Although you hurt my heart
But I still love (you)
Because until this moment
My love is still for you
Oh dear wherever you are
Do not forget me
Remember me even if for a second
A person hurting (in heart)

You may listen to the song at the link here:  Pesanan buat kekasih - Spring

Do you find anything that you need to know more from the lesson? If you do, don’t forget to check out the blog at ilearnmalay.blogspot.com for complete transcription of this lesson.

You may download this lesson in pdf form of Lesson 13 and other previous episodes too by clicking Download PDF menu. Don’t forget to leave comments, questions or you may comment at the YouTube video of this lesson as well.

Well, today's lesson ends here.
I hope that this lesson helps. 

Sampai jumpa lagi! (Till we meet again)

I Learn Malay

Hi, I'm Zarina from ILearnMalay. I am a native Malay language speaker from Malaysia.

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