Day, Week and Month in Malay Language

Hi everyone!

It's me Zarina as always, your friend from Malaysia. Apa khabar? How is your practice going on? Try to practise them everyday.

If you prefer to watch this lesson of Day, Week and Month in Malay Language (Lesson 12) in video form, head over to the video at this link here.

Are you interested in speaking Malay colloquially?

The easiest way is to get someone native to the language to assist you. If you are interested, you may contact me on Preply for an hour lesson to practise speaking Malay and to improve your pronunciation. All details are in the description box down below.

Today, we will learn about day, week and month in Malay Language. I guess today’s lesson will be a short and simple one.


Let’s start with the days. In Malay, day is called as ‘hari’.

First and foremost, the name of the days in Malay resemble a lot of those in Arabic. For those who are familiar with Arabic language will be able to memorize this with little challenge.

Ahad - Sunday
Isnin - Monday
Selasa - Tuesday
Rabu - Wednesday
Khamis - Thursday
Jumaat - Friday
Sabtu - Saturday

Hari-hari - Every day
Setiap hari - Every day
Beberapa hari - A few days
Hari minggu - Sunday
Setiap hari Ahad - Every sunday


Hari ini hari Ahad. - Today is Sunday
Hari ini hari apa?- What day is today?
Bila harijadi kamu? - When is your birthday?
Bila hari cuti kamu? - When is your holiday?


In Malay, week is called as ‘minggu’. We don’t really have a spesific name of each week but these phrases may come in handy.

Minggu-minggu - weeks
Beberapa minggu - a few weeks
Minggu pertama - First week
Minggu kedua - Second week
Minggu ketiga - Third week
Minggu keempat - fourth week
Minggu paling awal - the earliest week
Minggu paling akhir - the final week
Minggu lepas - last week
Minggu depan - next week
Hujung minggu - weekend


Minggu ini saya sangat sibuk. - This week I am very busy.

Saya akan pergi ke Singapura minggu depan. - I will go to Singapore next week.

Minggu paling akhir bulan ini adalah minggu melawat Malaysia. - The final week of this month is Visit Malaysia’s week.

Adakah kamu akan berhenti kerja pada minggu kedua bulan ini? - Are you going to quit working at the second week of this month?


In Malay, month is called as ‘bulan’. Bulan also has another meaning which is moon in English.

There is not much difference of the name of the months in Malay Language against English Language except for a few differences in spelling them

Januari - January
Februari - February
Mac - March
April - April
Mei - May
Jun - June
Julai - July
Ogos - August
September - September
Oktober - October
November - November
Disember - December


Kamu lahir bulan apa? - Which month were you born?

Saya akan berkahwin pada bulan Disember - I will get married on December.

Bulan terawal adalah bulan Januari - The earliest month is January.

Bulan lepas saya berhenti kerja. - I quit working last month.

Macam mana pelajaran hari ni? = How is the lesson today?

Do you find anything that you need to know more from the lesson? If you do, don’t forget to check out the blog at for complete transcription of this lesson.

You may download this lesson in pdf form of Lesson 12 and other previous episodes too by at Download PDF menu. Don’t forget to leave comments, questions or you may comment at the YouTube video of this lesson as well.

Well, today's lesson ends here.
I hope that this lesson helps. 
Sampai jumpa lagi! (Till we meet again)
I Learn Malay

Hi, I'm Zarina from ILearnMalay. I am a native Malay language speaker from Malaysia.

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