Goodbye in Malay Language

Hello friends!

It's me Zarina, your friend from Malaysia.
How are you doing?
I hope you are doing great practising the phrases that I have taught so far.

We are getting here today to part our ways..Oh, no! How sad...:) I'm kidding! Today we will learn how to say Goodbye in Malay Language. 

Goodbye in Malay Language has a few phrases depending on the context. 

If you are the person leaving, you will say:

Selamat Tinggal - Goodbye
Se-la-mat Ting-gal

If you are the person staying or remaining, you will say:

Selamat Jalan - Goodbye
Se-la-mat Ja-lan

Both can also say:

Sampai Jumpa Lagi - Till/Until we meet again
Sam-pai Jum-pa La-gi

After saying the first phrases in each of the context.

Meaning of the phrases in Malay Language

Again these phrases are combinations of two or three words which has it's individual meanings. Let's start to know them, shall we?

Selamat means safe, secure

Tinggal means live, stay, remain

Jalan means road, route, street, travel

Sampai means until, reach

Jumpa means see someone or something, found, meet

Lagi means again, more

How to pronounce

Off we go to the manner of pronouncing these phrases

If you remember from the previous lesson or Ilearn Malay Unit 1 notice that I pronounce Se, not see  or say or se.

Pronounce la as in LalaLand and mat, you may clip the 't' sound, doing away with the sound or you can pronounce the 't' softly like mat.

Pronounce ting as in tink in 'tinkerbell'

Pronounce gal like I pronounce it.. :) It is because English words that have ‘gal’ in it tend to be pronounced differently than our pronunciation of Malay’s gal.

Pronounce sam like I pronounce it.. :) It is because English words that have ‘sam’ in it tend to be pronounced differently than our pronunciation of Malay’s sam.

Pronounce pai as in 'pie' the food

Pronounce jum like I pronounce it.. :) It is because English words that have ‘jum’ in it tend to be pronounced differently than our pronunciation of Malay’s jum.

Pronounce pa as in pa in 'parlimen'

Pronounce la like I pronounce it.. :) It is because English words that have ‘la’ in it tend to be pronounced differently than our pronunciation of Malay’s la.

and gi as in guitar

How is it? It is easy right?

Alright, let's practice these expressions. As usual, I will say the phrases first, and there will be a few seconds of silence for you to repeat the phrases.

Let's start.

Selamat Tinggal
Selamat Tinggal
Selamat Tinggal

Selamat Jalan
Selamat Jalan
Selamat Jalan

Sampai Jumpa Lagi
Sampai Jumpa Lagi
Sampai Jumpa Lagi

Conversation Examples

At the airport.

Person A: Selamat Jalan. 
You: Selamat Tinggal.
Person A: Sampai Jumpa Lagi
You: Sampai Jumpa Lagi

Colloquial conversation

At the bus station.

Person A: Ok lah mak, jap gi bas nak sampai. (Ok, mom. The bus is coming any minutes now)

A's mom: Ok. Jaga diri di tempat orang. (Ok. Take care of yourself at other people's place)

Person A: Ok. Mak pun jaga diri. Jaga kesihatan. Bye/Bai mak. Jumpa lagi nanti. (Ok. You take care too mom. Take care of your health. Bye. Till we meet again later.)

A's mom: Bye/Bai. (Bye)

What do you think of the colloquial conversation? Yes...sometimes we don't use the Selamat Jalan/Selamat Tinggal phrases. This is because it has the nuance of we will not be seeing each other for a long long time. However, sometimes it depends on the individual too. 

Notice that the Person A finally say - jumpa lagi nanti here you may also skip sampai.

For me personally, I frequently say jumpa lagi nanti or jumpa lagi or  nanti jumpa lagi between my family members and close friends.

Remember.. that in Malaysia we do mix our speeches with English. You will hear those Ok, Take care, Bye or Bai.. here and there intermingle with our mother language. It is acceptable colloquially and many of us do that. You could too. 

Want to practise speaking Malay Language?

The easiest way is to get someone native to the language to assist you. If you are interested, you may contact me on Preply for an hour lesson to practise speaking Malay and to improve your pronunciation.

Well, today's lesson ends here.
I hope that this lesson helps. 

As usual, all the links mentioned in this video and for the transcription are updated below in the description.

Sampai jumpa lagi! (Till we meet again).

Note: You may download the transcript at Download PDF menu or view the video at this link here.
I Learn Malay

Hi, I'm Zarina from ILearnMalay. I am a native Malay language speaker from Malaysia.

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