Good Morning in Malay Language

Hi everyone!

It's me Zarina, your friend from Malaysia.
How are you doing?
I am sorry that I am caught with flu nowadays so my voice will
not be that clear.

I decided to chunk out small videos for each of the greetings.
So this will be the first installment of them.

Today, we will learn how to say good morning in Malay.

Selamat pagi
Se-la-mat pa-gi

Notice that I pronounce Se, not see  or say or se.
Pronounce la as in LalaLand and mat, you may clip the 't' sound, doing away with the sound or you can pronounce the 't' softly like mat.

Pronounce pa as in papa
and gi as in guitar

It is easy right?

There is another version of Selamat Pagi which is we remove Selamat and only say Pagi.

However, we normally say pagi only to those who we are familiar with like family and friends.

To be on the safer side, just use Selamat Pagi and Malaysian will be surprised when you can say this greeting and even try to chat you up a bit as well.

When do we use Selamat Pagi?

We can use it right after midnight, which is quite silly in my opinion although it is rightly when the morning starts however it is not wrong. You can greet Selamat Pagi during the day time right before 12 noon.

Ok then, I hope that this lesson serves you well.
Good Luck!

Watch the video of this lesson at this link.

Note: You may download this transcript at Download PDF menu.
I Learn Malay

Hi, I'm Zarina from ILearnMalay. I am a native Malay language speaker from Malaysia.


  1. Do you have a list of your videos from the first one to the latest?

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