Good Evening in Malay Language

Hi everyone!

It's me Zarina, your friend from Malaysia.
How are you doing?
I hope you are doing great practising the greetings that I have taught so far.

Well, this video is the continuation from the previous episode of greeting series.

Today, we will learn how to say good evening in Malay. It is..

Selamat Petang 

Se-la-mat Pe-tang

Again this phrase is a combination of two words which has it's individual meanings. Let's start to know them, shall we?

Selamat means Safe, secure

Petang means Evening

Off we go to the manner of pronouncing Selamat Petang.

If you remember from the previous lesson or Ilearn Malay Unit 1 notice that I pronounce Se, not see  or say or se.

Pronounce la as in LalaLand and mat, you may clip the 't' sound, doing away with the sound like mat or you can pronounce the 't' softly like mat.

Pronounce pe as in pe in 'person'

Pronounce tang as in 'young’ and replace ‘y’ with ‘t’

It is easy right?

Alright, let's practice this greeting. As usual, I will say the phrase of Selamat Petang first, and there will be a few seconds of silence for you to repeat the phrase.

Let's start.

To whom do we wish Selamat Petang?

We normally greet Selamat Petang to anyone, familiar or unfamiliar. Personally, I rarely wish Selamat Petang to my closest family or friends. It is likely because we seldom use this greeting towards each other. 

But I do use them to other Non-Muslim people who I deal with formally like in the banks, in the department stores, in the government offices or in other general places like I previously mentioned.

Why do I refer to Non-Muslim? Because I am a Muslim and the greetings that I prefer to use towards other Muslim is - Assalamualaikum, when dealing with Muslim people whom I encounter.

However, it is not wrong to use the greetings that I have taught in this blog to anyone, irregardless of races or beliefs that you will encounter in Malay speaking countries.

Sometimes, I even say - Assalamualaikum and then followed by Selamat Petang or other ‘Selamat’ greetings in places that I have mentioned before.

When do we use Selamat Petang?

We can use it from 2 or 3 pm up until the dusk. The reason why I say up until the dusk is because I hardly see someone wish another person Selamat Petang after sunset.

Unlike in English where you can still wish someone Good Evening although it is already dark outside.

Want to practise speaking Malay Language?

The easiest way is to get someone native to the language to assist you. If you are interested, you may contact me on Preply for an hour lesson to practise speaking Malay and to improve your pronunciation.

Well, today's lesson ends here.
I hope that this lesson helps. 

As usual, all the links mentioned in this video and for the transcription are updated below in the description.

Sampai jumpa lagi! Or Till we meet again!

Note: You may download the transcript at Download PDF menu or view the video at this link here
I Learn Malay

Hi, I'm Zarina from ILearnMalay. I am a native Malay language speaker from Malaysia.

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