Number 1 to 10 in Malay Language

Hi everyone, it has been a long time since I updated the blog last. Expect a lot of posts coming in the near future cause I have plenty of time in hand. Today I will be teaching about numbers in Malay Language.

The basic is from number 1 to 10.

1 - satu
2 - dua
3 - tiga
4 - empat
5 - lima
6 - enam
7 - tujuh
8 - lapan
9 - sembilan
10 - sepuluh

How do you pronounce the number 0 in Malay Language?

0 - kosong or sifar

Note: Kosong is more widely used than sifar. You could see sifar being used in the text books or formal documents.

Sentence examples:

1 + 1 = 2 - Satu campur satu sama dengan dua - one plus one is equal to two.

Boleh bagi saya 1 ekor ayam? - Could you give me one whole chicken? or Could you give me a chicken?

Saya akan pergi ke Kuala Lumpur untuk 3 hari - I will go to Kuala Lumpur for three days.

Manusia ada 2 kaki - Human has two legs.

5 Januari 2010 - Lima Januari dua ribu sepuluh - Fifth of January two thousand ten.

Listen to the podcast and practise.
Download podcast here.

I have put a Malay traditional song by Siti Nurhaliza and Noraniza Idris - Dondang Dendang as a background song. Tell me if you don't like the background song or anything about the podcast. Looking forward for your comments!
Zarina BT2K

Understanding life step by step ^^

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