Malay Verbs From Drama Clip - PART 3

This is the third part of Malay Verbs From Drama Clip.

Today we will study the Malay verbs in action performed by the protagonists from the Malay drama Episode 3 - Asam pedas untuk dia.

Now, before we proceed, please don't forget that I still offer classes for Conversational Malay 

and you may sign up here at

You can check the preferred day and time and also watch a sample of my class with one of the students.

Remember, when you practise speaking every single day you will be fluent in no time! Take this opportunity to learn from a Malay native speaker. See you in class!

Now let's go to the verbs. It is a short video and  I hope you enjoy the lesson.

Bagi pen

Give the pen

Pegang pen

Hold the pen



Bagi kertas

Give the paper

Terima kertas

Receive the paper

Lipat kertas

Fold the paper

Angkat bakul

Lift the basket

Pegang telefon

Hold the phone

Buka telefon

Open the phone

Sentuh telefon

Touch the phone

Buat panggilan telefon

Make a phone call

Angkat telefon

Pick up the phone

Jawab panggilan telefon

Answer the phone call

Garu kepala

Scratch the head



Buka pintu

Open the door

Sandar dekat pintu

Lean on the door

Tamatkan panggilan telefon

End the phone call

We have reached the end of the lesson. 

Don't forget to help the channel grow by doing the following.

Terima kasih sangat-sangat!

And until next time, sampai jumpa lagi.

I Learn Malay

Hi, I'm Zarina from ILearnMalay. I am a native Malay language speaker from Malaysia.

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