Colors in Malay QUIZ

Today we will have the quiz for colors in Malay.

For those who haven't learned the colors in Malay yet, It is recommended that you check out this lesson first. -

Check out the video of the colors in Malay Quiz here:

Here are some sentences in colloquial speech using colors in Malay:

Bunga tu warna merah. (That flower is red.)

Saya suka pakai baju warna biru. (I like to wear blue clothes.)

Rumput dekat taman tu hijau, nampak segar. (The grass in that garden is green, seems fresh.)

Hari ni matahari terang, langit warna kuning. (Today the sun is bright, the sky is yellow.)

Buah oren tu manis sangat . (The orange fruit is very sweet.)

Dia beli tudung warna ungu yang cantik. (She bought a beautiful purple scarf.)

Kotak tu warna hitam dan berkilat. (The box is black and shiny.)

Salji buat pemandangan jadi putih bersih. (Snow makes the landscape pure white.)

Kucing saya bulu dia coklat yang lebat. (My dog has thick brown fur.)

Warna rumah ni kelabu, sesuai dengan persekitaran dia. (The color of this house is gray, it blends well with its' surroundings.)

Baju pengantin tu warna merah jambu. (The bridal gown is in pink.)

Bendera negara Malaysia warna merah, putih, kuning dan biru. (Malaysian national flag is red, white, yellow and blue.)

Happy learning!
I Learn Malay

Hi, I'm Zarina from ILearnMalay. I am a native Malay language speaker from Malaysia.

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