QUIZ for Malay Adjectives - Part 3


Today's post is about QUIZ for Malay Adjectives - Part 3.

In today's lesson, you will be quizzed for the meaning of  another 20 Malay adjectives from the previous lesson of MUST KNOW 100 Malay adjectives.

The adjectives listed in this quiz are:

  1. Lapar
  2. Kenyang
  3. Seronok
  4. Bosan
  5. Sedih
  6. Gembira
  7. Sibuk
  8. Malu
  9. Yakin
  10. Takut
  11. Berani
  12. Kasar
  13. Licin
  14. Garang
  15. Lembut
  16. Keras
  17. Kaya
  18. Miskin
  19. Kosong
  20. Penuh

You will be given around 5 seconds to guess each adjective's meaning in English. Are you ready to quiz yourself? 

Check out the lesson below:

 Happy learning! 


I Learn Malay

Hi, I'm Zarina from ILearnMalay. I am a native Malay language speaker from Malaysia.

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